Saturday, June 24, 2006

Spirit House in Yandina Posted by Picasa

Noosa Heads Posted by Picasa

Andrew and Natalie at Noosa Posted by Picasa

Simon and Andrew at the Ginger Factory Posted by Picasa

Looking back on the main beach at Noosa Posted by Picasa

Noosa surfers before the storm Posted by Picasa

Andrew and Simon at Noosa Heads Posted by Picasa

Andrew and Natalie on the beach at Noosa Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 12, 2006

The tiny country of Kiribati from the air. Posted by Picasa

Kiribati is a small Pacific Island nation with a total population of just over 100,000. Although there are many isalnds which make up Kiribati most people live on Tarawa which is where Natalie was based during the month of May. As you can see its a very narrow island - only 17 metres wide at some points!

An island paradise. Posted by Picasa

Natalie was driving on the road, when she noticed this beautiful uninhabited tropical mini-island and had to swerve off the road to park and take a photo. In Kiribati you drive on the left hand side of the road. The speed limit is only 40kph on main roads and 60kph on the causeways - but this is a good thing because there a many speedhumps of all sorts of shapes and sizes!

Natalie in the tropics. Posted by Picasa

This was taken on one of the remote islands only accessible by boat. Excellent beach with water so clear you can see the little fish that swim around your ankles.

Low tide in the lagoon. Posted by Picasa

Another photo which Natalie had to take after spotting this view as she was driving on the main road which runs parallel to the lagoon. The low tide allows local people to collect shellfish from the rocks. Boats are also "parked" for the time being... I like the colours of the boat - reminds me of something you'd have in the bathtub as a kid :)

School kids in Kiribati. Posted by Picasa

Natalie is currently working on an education project with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. She was lucky enough to visit some schools and kids during her work assignment. The teachers and students are all really friendly - as you can see by the photo!

Traditional Kiribati dancing. Posted by Picasa

These grass skirts are very heavy but let me tell you - these girls shake their hips with so much vigour they actually created a mini-sandstorm.

Sunset on Tarawa, Kiribati. Posted by Picasa

The sky was gorgeous with liquid colours melting into fairy floss clouds creating one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen.