Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jacaranda's are in bloom again here in St. Lucia. Posted by Picasa

Andrew, the morning after winning the Enterprize competition! Posted by Picasa

Andrew with the giant cheque for winning first prize in the UQ Enterprize competition. Posted by Picasa

Andrew in the Lab during filming of a promotional video for the $100K Enterprize competition. Posted by Picasa

Andrew with Seb, Mum and Jo after Seb's graduation at the Perth Convention Centre during October. Posted by Picasa

Seb's Graduation! Posted by Picasa

Statue in the ASEAN Secretariat Foyer, Jakarta. Posted by Picasa

Natalie in the foyer of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia. Posted by Picasa

Andrew in New Zealand with Auckland city in the background. Posted by Picasa